
Legal guidance and advice on ICT, privacy and intellectual property developments and issues.

The IT/IE industry is a dynamic one in which the lightning-fast developments of new technologies and (online) services are central. These developments offer you many opportunities as an entrepreneur, but can also create legal challenges. Challenges where you want a legal expert to look in. Within the IT/IE industry, there are several areas of law, namely IT law, IP law, privacy law and E-commerce.

IT law at Bout Advocaten
As a business owner, you may face the questions of ownership of software, apps and websites, licences, and domain names. Besides answering these questions, we can offer you support in drafting IT contracts in the broadest sense. Here you can think of:

– SaaS contracts
– Service Level Agreement (better known as SLA)
– Hosting agreements

Should an IT dispute arise within your company, for example over malfunctioning software, we will be happy to assist you. Feel free to contact us if you have an issue regarding IT law.

IP law at Bout Advocaten
IP law is a vast area of law covering many types of IP rights. Consider:

– Copyright
– Trademark rights
– Patent rights
– Trade name rights

We advise you (and if necessary litigate for you) on everything directly or indirectly related to IP law. For example, the situation may arise where another person infringes on the product you have developed. We will be happy to assess for you whether such a case involves an IP right infringement or may be otherwise unlawful towards you.

Privacy law at Bout Advocaten
Within every organisation, privacy law plays a major role. We are happy to help you with this. Many of the legal obligations follow from the General Data Protection Regulation (better known as AVG). Privacy law includes both;

– the processing of your customers’ personal data
– the processing of your staff’s personal data

You must always comply with the legal obligations arising from the AVG. As a company, you should therefore check whether the processing of data in your business complies with the AVG. Have you drafted a privacy statement and do you know in which cases you are obliged to enter into a processor agreement? Feel free to contact Boutadvocaten at any time if you need help with legal issues regarding privacy law.

E-commerce at Bout Advocaten
The IT/IE industry also includes the e-commerce jurisdiction. Web shops and online sales through online shops are subject to many regulations. In particular, additional (mandatory) rules apply when selling to consumers. In particular, these are information obligations.

Information obligations include providing information on the ordering process, payment methods, return options and the right of withdrawal. Furthermore, we assess whether advertising statements do not violate the applicable Advertising Code. Legal issue related to E-commerce? If so, please feel free to contact us without obligation.

Contact Bout Advocaten
We offer you legal advice and solid support on these and all other questions you may encounter in your day-to-day practice. We arrive at a practical solution, even for complex questions. Where drafting a contract and giving advice is no longer enough, we assist you during proceedings to stand up for your rights. Our team of lawyers is happy to think with you so that you can do business. Feel free to contact us.

Areas of law

Privacy law
Corporate law
Intellectual property
General civil law
IT law