We are aware of the social function we can perform in addition to serving our corporate clients.

Corporate social responsibility (CSR)

Bolt Lawyers, as a law firm, has its role in the rule of law. However, we are also very conscious of the social function we can perform, in addition to serving our corporate clients. Bout Lawyers is therefore involved both on the social level with young people and on the cultural level with art and music.


Bout Advocaten is a committed sponsor and partner of JINC, an organization dedicated to equal opportunities for children. In addition to the well-known “Boss for a Day” project – which you can see more about in our video – our office staff provide children with educational programs, internships and job training.

Art Exhibitions

As an office, we are also passionate about art and creativity. Bout Lawyers provides an opportunity for artists to exhibit their work in various areas of our office building. Therefore, at our office we organize several art exhibitions with paintings and sculptures, including a catered (festive) art opening. We have been proud to welcome talented artists and exhibit their works to both our employees and visitors since 2017. Our spacious hall, waiting room, consultation rooms provide the perfect setting for exhibiting paintings. We look forward to welcoming many more talented artists.

BuchliFestMeijer and Marthavinga Fund

Bout Advocaten also likes to encourage music culture in Groningen. In cooperation with the BuchliFestMeijer and Marthavingafonds, we regularly organize house concerts at our office on the Ossenmarkt, where both renowned classical musicians and young talents from Groningen perform.


A. Gorter


M. Bethlehem


R.J.A. Steenbergen
