General conditions

At Bout Advocaten, we have in-depth knowledge and experience in various areas of law so that we can provide you with the best possible advice.

General Terms and Conditions Bout Advocaten in Groningen

  1. These general terms and conditions shall apply to all assignments given to Bout Advocaten, including amended, supplementary or follow-up assignments as well as to all legal relationships as a result thereof or in connection therewith (also related to the use of the firm’s website). These general terms and conditions are also stipulated for the benefit of any third party whether employed or not or who may be liable in connection therewith.

  2. Any assignment to the firm is accepted and carried out exclusively by Bout Advocaten, i.e. the client agrees to Bout Advocaten having the assignment carried out under its responsibility by the firm, or if necessary by third parties on behalf of the firm.

    Notwithstanding artt. 7:404, 7:407 (2) and 7:409 Civil Code, the attorneys working at the firm as well as those working for or on behalf of the firm are not personally bound or liable and the assignment does not end by death, even if the assignment was granted with a view to a specific person.

  3. For the performance of an assignment, the client shall owe a fee, plus disbursements, office expenses and turnover tax, the fee being calculated on the basis of the number of hours spent on the assignment, multiplied by the hourly rates set by Bout Advocaten and communicated to the client.
    Payment of Bout Advocaten’s invoices must be made within 14 days of the invoice date, failing which the client shall be in default by operation of law.

  4. Bout Advocaten’s liability for damage arising out of or in connection with the performance of an assignment shall always be limited to the amount paid out under the liability insurance taken out by the firm, plus the amount of the deductible borne by Bout Advocaten under the relevant policy conditions.

    If and to the extent no payment is made under a liability insurance policy, for whatever reason, any liability of Bout Advocaten shall be limited to the amount of €_100,000 or, if the fee charged by Bout Advocaten in the relevant case is higher, to the amount of such fee.

    When engaging third parties, Bout Advocaten shall always exercise due care. However, Bout Advocaten is not liable for any shortcomings of these third parties.

    Claims for damages must be reported to Bout Advocaten under penalty of forfeiture of rights within a period of one year after the client has discovered or could have discovered the claim, but in any event within a period of 5 years after dispatch of the last invoice relating to the order given.

  5. All legal relations, as referred to in these terms and conditions, are subject to Dutch law and disputes in this regard shall be decided exclusively by the competent court in Groningen.
    If Bout Advocaten acts as plaintiff, it shall have the option to submit the dispute to a competent court of its choice.

Groningen, Sept. 1, 2023

* Bout Advocaten is a partnership between Bout Advocaten B.V. and mr. P. Stehouwer. The above General Terms and Conditions also apply to assignments given to him.

You may also review Bout Advocaten’s Terms and Conditions (above) here (as a pdf file).