
A.P.C. van der Woude


Contact details

About Anita

A.P.C. (Anita) van der Woude joined an executive secretary course after obtaining her Vwo diploma. In June 1989, she started working as a legal secretary in a law firm. Having enjoyed this position for many years, it was time for a new challenge in 2006. Anita started training as a WSNP administrator at OSR Juridische Opleidingen and immediately after graduating, she was registered as a WSNP administrator with Bureau WSNP.

After 14 years of experience as a WSNP administrator, Anita has found a new employer in Bout Advocaten with effect from 1 November 2020. Together with the fellow WSNP administrators within the office, she works on a daily basis to ensure the proper settlement of each WSNP case, maintaining contact with creditors, the court and the debtor. In addition to serving as WSNP administrator, Anita is also involved in preparing petitions for admission to the WSNP scheme.

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10 July 2024

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1 July 2024

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