
F. Maatjes


Contact details

About Fenneke

F. (Fenneke) Maatjes has worked in the Insolvency Department of our firm since 1 April 2012. She studied Social Legal Services at Hanze University of Applied Sciences. During and after that study, she specialised in debt issues. In 2013, Fenneke successfully participated in the OSR’s “Leergang WSNP” course. She has therefore been one of the firm’s WSNP administrators since June 2013. In particular, she handles WSNPs of ex-entrepreneurs.

Since 1 May 2021, as a WSNP administrator, Fenneke can petition for admission to the WSNP on the basis of an addition.

In addition to debt restructurings, Fenneke also works as a paralegal in bankruptcies, providing substantive and administrative support to the receivers at our office, particularly creditor administration and financial reporting. This makes Fenneke the point of contact for creditors in bankruptcies.

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