
S. Greven


Contact details

About Saskia

S. (Saskia) Greven joined Bout Advocaten as a legal secretary in 2004. During this time, she has gained extensive experience and knowledge by supporting lawyers, performing work in various areas of law and working with her colleagues.

Together with Marian Bethlehem, Saskia has managed the secretariat of the Grievance Committee Joint Corporations Groningen since 2019. Bout Advocaten has been a certified training company MBO since 2022 and Saskia, together with Anna Gorter and Marian Bethlehem, supervises trainees MBO level 3/4. From February 2024, she is also a qualified supervisor of practical learning.

Saskia ondersteunt de advocaten C.S.G. (Constantijn) de Lange, J.F.H. (Jannet) Terpstra, B.M.J. (Barbara) Pelzer en K. (Kaylee) Mulder.

  • Manages together with Marian Bethlehem the secretariat of the Grievance Committee Joint Corporations Groningen since 2019
  • Manages together with Marian Bethlehem the secretariat of the Grievance Committee Joint Corporations Groningen since 2019
  • Qualified supervisor in apprenticeship since February 2024

6 September 2024

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Beëdiging Doris Westerhoud

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10 July 2024

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