Debt restructuring

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Natural Persons Debt Rescheduling Act

The Statutory Natural Persons Debt Rescheduling Scheme (hereafter: WSNP) came into force at the end of 1998. The WSNP complements the Bankruptcy Act (further: Fw.) and allows citizens with financial problems to have a debt-free future and, on the other hand, aims to safeguard the interests of joint creditors (further: creditors).

Purpose and operation of WSNP

The law is not meant as punishment, though it may seem so. This is because the trustee is appointed by the court to ensure that the sanitee (the person entering the debt restructuring scheme) fulfils his agreements and to go through the sanitee’s mail before it reaches the sanitee himself. To inform creditors, the name of the sanitee even appears in the Official Gazette and on the internet. Also, the name of the debtor appears in the register of pronounced debt restructuring arrangements at or on When requested by a creditor, the sanitee’s name will appear in the register of the Bureau Krediet Registratie.

Role of the administrator

The trustee tries to receive the most viable amount from the sanitee to ultimately distribute as much as possible to creditors.

Get in touch

WSNP related question? If so, please contact one of our specialists to the right or complete here the contact form here.


B. van der Velde


F. Maatjes


A.P.C. van der Woude
