
About Bertil

Mr. A.A. (Bertil) Westers graduated from the University of Groningen in 1995 in Dutch law, civil law and administrative law. He started as a lawyer in 1997, and since 2002 Bertil has been a partner. As a partner, he leads the government practice and works as an attorney and committed sparring partner for governments, institutions, organizations, businesses and individuals. His specialisations are Administrative Law, Environmental Law and Real Estate.

Register of branches of law NOvA
Mr. Westers has registered the following main (and sub) areas of law in the Register of Jurisdictions of the Netherlands Bar Association:

  • Administrative law
  • Environmental law

Pursuant to this registration, he is obliged to obtain 10 training points in each registered main area of law each calendar year according to the standards of the Netherlands Bar Association.

  • Lecturer Administrative Law Department State and Administrative Law Faculty University of Groningen
  • Chairman of Stichting BouwsociĆ«teit Groningen
  • Supervisory Board North Pole Orchestra
  • Chairman Grain Trade Risk Fund Foundation
  • Farmers’ Box FC Groningen
  • Secretary Buchli Fest-Meier Foundation and Martha Havinga Fund
  • North Netherlands Bar Association, gas extraction portfolio
  • Guest speaker, conducting workshops on administrative and environmental law